Our Story

What are we all about?

With Doux Chaton, we are a family business, that means everyone is family!

Our History …

Our Mum & Dad came to the UK back in the 70s, along with many other east asian families who have settled in Liverpool. They came over with pretty much no money but a pocket full of ambition and a strong work ethic. Throughout the decades, fuelled by the desire to provide a better opportunity for their family, Mum and Dad have worked all their lives running various takeaways and restaurants. Much like many immigrant families who had little education and resources, the option that made most sense at the time was food!

Our Passion …

We believe food to be the glue that brings us all together.

When there’s good food it doesn’t matter who you are, what you look like, how much you earn, when something is made with passion, love and dedication, you can taste it and we can all enjoy it together. That’s why we not only serve handcrafted Vietnamese street food classics, but we embed the heart and spirit of this culture into our business. That is to say what we want to offer you is unpretentious, soul food, made with love. Love for the community we serve, love for the history of our culture and love for the recipes honed by our family over the decades.

Our Mission …

We want to deliver authentic Vietnamese dishes taken directly from our Mum and Dad's recipe books over the years, so that we can honour the dedication they’ve given their kids and give them a little legacy. This is a love letter to all kids of immigrant parents, all nomads and travellers and all who are curious enough to try something new!

We promise that we will deliver artisanal home-cooked dishes that are made with dedication and passion you can taste, and we promise it won’t cost you an arm and a leg! Street food should be exactly that: accessible, quality soul food


Quality at Our Core


What drives us is not squeezing profits from our customers. It’s to deliver quality Vietnamese cuisine that gives a slice of home to our Vietnamese community, as well as introducing our culture to the world.

With that in mind, our prices will always be affordable without taking anything away from quality - that is our promise to you 😊

We also believe in being as sustainable as possible, which is why we make everything in small batches (as much as our tiny kitchen allows).

If we ever run out of stock it’s because we do not want to waste any food and we want to keep everything fresh daily - we’re sorry this may happen but feel free to call us ahead to pre-order